Your Back is Made to Move!

In the age of social media and easier access to doctors, people are also told not to bend or twist, not to lift with your back, and that you should never feel any pain or discomfort in your back. However, in daily life we bend, twist, and lift without considering the intricate mechanisms of our back's movement. Understanding how our back is meant to move and acknowledging that movement is inherently safe can empower us to live fuller, more active lives. If you are currently struggling with back pain or are prone to it, Venture Physical Therapy can help you build up the strength, mobility, and confidence to get back to doing the things you love without restrictions.

The Complexity of Back Movement

The human back is a marvel of engineering, composed of bones, muscles, ligaments, and nerves working together seamlessly to support our bodies and facilitate movement. However, many people view the back as fragile, fearing that any wrong move could result in debilitating pain or injury.

While it's true that the back can be susceptible to strains and injuries, it's essential to recognize that it is designed for movement. The spine is incredibly flexible, allowing us to bend forward, backward, and sideways, as well as rotate. These movements are essential for performing everyday tasks, from tying our shoes to reaching for items on a high shelf.

The key to being able to move without injury is to STRENGTHEN your back! If you never practice bending, lifting, or twisting, then you end up more prone to injury when you encounter one of these movements in daily life (think moving the laundry from the washer to the dryer, picking something up off of the floor, getting a child out of the car, etc.)

Dispelling Myths About Back Safety

Despite its resilience, the back is often spoken about in ways that perpetuate fear and avoidance of movement. One common myth is that certain movements, such as bending forward or twisting, are inherently dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. However, research has shown that these movements are safe when performed correctly and within the body's practiced range of motion.

Another myth is that people with back pain should avoid physical activity altogether. In reality, staying active is crucial for maintaining back health and preventing future episodes of pain. Exercise helps strengthen the muscles that support the spine, improves flexibility, and promotes better posture, reducing the risk of injury. A physical therapist can help progress exercises to resolve any pain you’re having, while decreasing the likelihood of a future injury.

Movement Is Medicine

Rather than viewing movement as a potential source of harm, we should embrace it as a fundamental aspect of human health and well-being. Movement is medicine for the body and mind, providing numerous benefits beyond just physical fitness.

Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It also improves mood, reduces stress and anxiety, and enhances cognitive function. By incorporating movement into our daily lives, we can experience improved overall health and vitality. The key is to progress movement based on strength and tolerance to movements.

Safely Navigating Movement

While movement is generally safe, it's essential to approach it mindfully and with awareness of our body's limits. Listening to our bodies and respecting signs of discomfort or pain is key to preventing injury.

Practicing proper body mechanics when lifting, bending, and twisting can help reduce the strain on our backs and minimize the risk of injury. Engaging in activities that promote spine health, such as strength training, yoga, Pilates, etc. can also contribute to better mobility and flexibility.

Additionally, seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, like physical therapists, can provide valuable insights into safe movement practices and personalized exercise programs tailored to individual needs.


Understanding how our back is meant to move and embracing the safety of movement empowers us to live active, fulfilling lives. By dispelling myths about back health and prioritizing physical activity, we can experience the numerous benefits of movement while reducing the risk of injury.

Let's celebrate the incredible resilience of our backs and honor their natural capacity for movement. By nurturing our bodies with mindful, purposeful movement, we can cultivate a lifelong relationship with health and vitality.


Movement is Medicine


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